The Right Perspective

Friday, December 22, 2006

An Update

Well, it's 8:26 pm as I'm beginning this post. Emily has been puke-free all day, but she's really not eaten anything except a couple crackers. She is drinking some water and gatorade, and so far so good. She really didn't get off the couch more than 3 times all day and those were for diaper changes, which is so unlike her. Normally, this kid couldn't sit still if her life depended on it. Once daddy got home, she perked up a little, even attempting to play for a few minutes, but that too was short-lived. Now she and daddy are camping out on her bedroom floor, mostly because mommy did it last night with little to no sleep and is now sporting quite the headache because of it. So we'll see how that goes. I feel a little queasy, but I know it's in part due to the headache, little sleep and little food. Hopefully this is as bad as it gets for all of us. Say a little prayer that Andrew and I don't get sick and that Emily is back to her spunky self tomorrow...and that we all sleep well...and that we can still have Christmas with the rest of our family without fear of infecting them.

By the way, in case you missed it, I posted a quick little Christmas quiz, but it is now 2 posts below this one...I had saved it as a draft yesterday and then never got to post it last night, so it shows up late in the line-up!

Again, Merry Christmas to all, in case I don't get another chance to tell you!


Bekah said...

Bless your heart! I am so sorry she got sick - and especially on you! You are my hero for pulling flu duty. The only time I ever tried to care for the ill, I ended up hiding in the next room, in a closet, with my fingers in my ears so I didn't have to hear the puking. I was a GREAT nurse otherwise, though. I hope she gets well and you STAY well!!

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

I hope the "puke-free" status has continued and you all got a good night's sleep...(((hugs)))

SkyePuppy said...

My friend the cardiac nurse keeps telling me I should consider becoming a nurse, because they get paid well and there's a lot of demand, so I wouldn't have to commute very far. But nursing is not for me, because you have to deal with people who are bleeding and puking and all the rest. I got more than my fill of that (none would have been my fill) just by being a mom.

These are the times that, when they're over, make you very grateful for normal.

I hope you're all recovered in time to have a wonderful Christmas.