The Right Perspective

Friday, June 06, 2008

Oh the Humidity!


That's probably the best word for this week thus far. It's very hot and humid all of the sudden, after a rather short, cool spring. A couple of weeks ago, we were still under the threat of frost at night, now it is 90 degrees, windy, hot and humid for the forseeable future. What happened to spring?

Then, to make matters worse, Emily is sick. Tuesday afternoon, she fell while jumping on the bed and hit her head on her rocking chair...hard. She was fine the rest of the day and night, but woke up at 6:00 am Wednesday morning complaining of a headache and neckpain...and then her tummy hurt. We hurried downstairs into the usual "sick day" headquarters (the couch in the living room), popped in a video and grabbed a trashcan....just in time for the vomitting to begin. That lasted every 10-20 minutes until around 11:00, then I thought we were in the clear.

Thursday morning rolled around and after a quiet night, I thought all would be well, but it wasn't to be. Em was pretty lethargic and feverish, and then there was diarrhea and then more vomitting. Fun, fun stuff. So I started wondering if all this could possibly be the result of her hitting her head. The nurse at the doctor's office didn't think so, but she wanted to play it safe as did the doctor. So we went to the doctor's office, where they ordered a CT scan of Em's head. Let's just say that it was quite the experience. She was fine with the idea of the doctor taking a picture of the inside of her head...until she saw the scanning machine. Then she said, very quickly, "I think I'm feeling gooder now. I don't think I'm sick anymore!"

Three people later (myself included) we had wrangled Emily to a reclining position on the special "ride" (the table that moves up and down). She was not amused. But she was fine, so that's all that really mattered.

So all this to say, it's probably yet another tummy bug (most likely acquired during one of our numerous trips to each and every public restroom Emily sees, and then, must use.)

That's been our week in a nutshell.


Bekah said...

:( Poor Emily and poor you!!! That does not sound fun. I hope there are no more tummy bugs for a long long time!!

And you are RIGHT about this humidity. Makes it hard to want to dress very professionally for work!!

SkyePuppy said...

So sad about having a sick Emily. Life just isn't the same when they babies are sick.

About the humidity, if you ever want to plan a vacation to Southern California, you must schedule it for the worst of the humidity time in Indiana. As a rule, we don't have any humidity at any time of the year. On occasion we get enough that we notice the difference, but compared to the Midwest, it's nothing.

To prove my point, I often look up the weather on so I'll know if I should wear short or long sleeves. I could not tell you right now where they report the humidity on that website.

So my guess is that August would be a good time to come for a visit. It might be hot here, but you won't swelter.

One more thing (speaking of August in California). I have a friend who frequents restrooms whenever possible. She also loves Disneyland, so she finally gave in and had her picture taken by every one of the Disney restrooms she visited on that trip there, and the photos are preserved in a scrapbook. You might consider taking Emily's picture by all the restrooms she must use and scrapping them (or having Bekah scrap them for you). It could lower your frustration and give you some good extortion material for when Emily gets older. Just a thought...

SkyePuppy said...


"...the babies..."

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

Oh no! Stomach bugs aren't supposed to be around in the summer!

Hope everyone's feeling better by now.

Malott said...


Just wanted to comment that your "Oh, the humidity" (Oh, the humanity-Hindenburg) title was very clever.

I also like Skyepuppy's idea about the restroom pictures.

Christina said...

Thanks, all, for your comments and well-wishes. It's been a long week. I thought we had "turned the corner" this weekend, but starting yesterday (Sunday) Miss Em developed a rough cough and an incredibly sneezy nose.

Whooppee for an upper respiratory infection! NOT!

But she is currently dancing around to Aladdin, all hopped up on Dimetapp cough medicine. No nap...lots of fussing...but she's off the couch.

So I'll post more when I can. Tomorrow night I am hosting a jewelry party (thankfully not in the house as you can probably imagine what it looks like right now) and then my family is coming to visit this weekend, so it's going to be a very busy couple of weeks for your's truly.

Skyepuppy....I'll trade you weather anytime! And I may have to start taking the camera with me to photograph for all posterity all of the bathrooms we visit.

Chris, glad you liked the title. I thought it was a bit clever myself!

Bekah, hang in there and keep dressing least there's AC in your building. It's supposed to be over tomorrow. You can make it.

Beth, thanks for the thoughts. I read your post about being a little overwhelmed and I can SO sympathize with you. I'll try to post on your blog when I can, but I do understand. You'll make it!