So, it's about 16 degrees outside with a foot or more of snow covering everything and more still falling. What do normal people do? Curl up by the fire with a good book and some hot chocolate? Yes, that does sound nice, but it's not what we did. Today, Emily played in the snow for the first time. (Last year, we just didn't have much.) We went out yesterday and bought snow boots (that light up, of course!) for Miss Em plus some plain black ones for mom, snow pants, a water-proof coat and some extra gloves in preparation for the "Big Snow-Playing Event". Em was quite excited. The first thing she said this morning was "tow?" which is her word for snow. She was ready for adventure. So we piled on the layers, donned our hats, boots and gloves (and camera, of course) and headed outdoors.
Emily...all bundled up and ready to play in the snow!
Em standing in the newly shoveled driveway...with about 2 feet of snow behind her!
Emily "helping".
She was determined to shovel, but she kept saying "up, up" because she needed my help lifting the shovel to throw the snow into the pile.
Working hard! (Mom and Dad are hoping that by next year she'll be an old pro at this!)
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