The Right Perspective

Thursday, May 18, 2006

There's a Diet for Every Sucker

Standing in the Meijer grocery store checkout line this evening, I saw something that just made me laugh and groan at the same time. I really wish I'd had my camera with me because I would have taken a picture of this.

Here's the headline I saw on Woman's World magazine:

Lose a Pound a Day on
The DaVinci Code Diet:
Hidden Inside the Best Seller
The Secret Scientific Formula That Unlocks Fat!
I kid you not...I actually dug through my purse to find a scrap of paper and a pencil to write this headline (the main headline of the magazine, mind you) word-for-word.
I don't know which one is more pathetic: the fact that this is a headline on a non-tabloid magazine or that I have, on occasion, been known to purchase this magazine.
I guess it really is true..."There's a sucker born every minute...".

1 comment:

SkyePuppy said...

Are you sure that wasn't the Weekly World News? They're the ones who gave us such classics as: Bat Boy, Abraham Lincoln Was A Woman, and Saddam Hussein (in the run-up to the Iraq War) was in a mini-submarine in Lake Michigan.

It's sad to see Woman's World sink so low (almost as low as Saddam's submarine).