The Right Perspective

Monday, March 27, 2006

It's Not Fair

I've been thinking a lot lately about the illegal immigration reform legislation that is being proposed. As of late Monday evening, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill that will reform current immigration laws and make it easier for illegal immigrants to seek U.S. citizenship. For full story see

According to the AP article, the committee voted against penalties for illegal aliens already in the U.S. and made provisions for an additional 1.5 million temporary workers to enter the U.S. to work in agricultural jobs that, according to many (including President Bush), no one else will fill.

"All Americans wanted fairness and they got it this evening," said Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.

Really? I guess Ted didn't ask my opinion. I do want fairness, but I don't think I, and most other Americans, got it this evening.

I don't think it's fair that the taxes that I pay every year on the income that my family earns, through hard work and legal means of employment go to support illegal aliens who do not do their fair share to support themselves and their families.

I do not think it's fair that now, not only will my tax dollars have to support the illegals already here, but they will have to be spread even further (read my family will be taxed more somewhere down the line) when we let an additional 1.5 immigrants into the country temporarily, where most will inevitably disappear, never to pay taxes or do their fair share to support themselves and their families.

I do not think it is fair that, instead of spending time trying to find legal workers to fill agricultural and service industry positions, the government simply decides that no American will do these jobs and we should just let illegal aliens fill those positions. News flash...they aren't just going to come here to work and go back home.

Let me propose what I think would have been fair.

Forget about drafting legislation that addresses the illegals already here and START ENFORCING THE BORDERS.

I think it would be fair to do whatever it takes to stop the influx of new illegal aliens from entering the U.S. If it takes a a wall. If it takes a wall, plus cameras...add the cameras. If it takes a wall, cameras and a battalion of armed it. Quit talking about it and do something to make my country safe. Safe from the threat of terrorists entering through a poorly enforced border, safe from the threat of a huge burden on our health care and education system from illegal aliens who pour through an inadequate border, safe from burdening already over-taxed legal citizen with those who cannot or will not support themselves.

How about not assuming that there are absolutely no workers to fill certain jobs? I think there are plenty of men and women sitting in jail cells who have way too much time to read and watch tv and lift weights, doing nothing beneficial for society, who could certainly fill some of these jobs as a means to pay back some of their "room and board" in the local prisons. That would be fair.

I certainly don't have all the answers, but I also don't think that the legislation working its way through the Senate and House is the right solution.

What I know for certain, Mr. Kennedy, is that none of this is fair.


Malott said...

I just took an AOL poll about immigration and the numbers were like those of the others I've seen. 60 to 80% of Americans, depending on the question, take a very strict stand on immigration and dealing with illegals.

I'm sure that in Washington our politicians are putting votes above leadership. They must know the clear will of the people, but they also must see a big risk that they are not willing to take in an election year.

SkyePuppy said...


I think the politicians in Washington are putting corporate campaign contributions above leadership.

They may know the clear will of the people, but they're counting either on being able to pull some wool over the voters' eyes, or on the voters placing more importance on other issues. Or, maybe the politicians believe their incumbency makes them undefeatable, no matter what they do or don't do about immigration.

Great post, Christina.

Christina said...

Clearly the will of the people does not mean as much as perceived political and financial gains. Politicians on both sides of the aisle stand to benefit, while the average tax-paying, law-abiding citizen stands to lose big, both financially and in terms of national security. We may even be losing our culture, slowly but surely.

I guess the politicians value the cheap labor of their illegal nannies more than the will of the people who really got them elected. Last time I checked, illegal aliens didn't have the right to vote. At least not yet.