The Right Perspective

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Breaking News: The Democrats Have a Plan!

The Democrats outlined their platform for the 2006 elections (oh yeah, and for national security) Wednesday. In case you don't feel like reading the entire article, I decided to sum it up for you: President Bush is "incompetent".

That's right folks, that's all you need to know. Oh, and the Democrats say they will be tough on national security. That too.

How do they plan to accomplish this lofty goal of heightened national security, you might ask? That's easy. They'll simply keep repeating that President Bush is incompetent. Surely that will make the nation more secure. They'll say that the President had no clear plan for exiting Iraq and that he's incompetent. That'll certainly fix the problems.

I know I feel more secure already.

Meanwhile, President Bush gave the third speech in a set of speeches designed to bolster support for the ongoing war. The President said, "The irony is that the enemy seems to have a much clearer sense of what's at stake than some of the politicians here in Washington, D.C.".

I wonder who he was talking about?

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