The Right Perspective

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Anti-Gardener

Yes, I am still here. I had a great (but too short) time with my family. My mom and sister came for a few days and helped keep track of Emily, a job that is most definitely bigger than just my husband and me. They live over 700 miles away, so it's a rare treat to see them, but they are now safely back in the miniscule state of Delaware, that happily liberal bastion of the East Coast that Joe Biden calls "home".

I will post something new and exciting (I'm sure) soon. I'm working on ideas, but with the nice weather and huge flower beds that must be weeded after a winter of neglect, the weeds took precedence over the blog.

Dang weeds! Did I mention that I abhor gardening? I'm not exaggerating. Currently, I'm finished weeding for the day, though far from done with the job. My husband and I are contemplating putting in a pond/fountain in part of the flower beds just so we won't have to weed the things so often...and more stepping stones and maybe a bird bath. Seriously, I hate gardening.

Malott's Blog has regular gardening features that boast of Mr. Malott's rather impressive knack for growing things. Maybe I shall counter his "gardening corner" segments with something I like to call "The Anti-Gardener". It will feature my complete and utter failings at planting, weeding, growing and enjoying anything even remotely associated with gardening. Yes...I think I like it, and so this will be my inaugural "Anti-Gardener" post. Let the fun begin!


SkyePuppy said...


Unlike you, I don't abhor gardening. I just abhor the way the insidious, perfidious weeds sprout full-blown the moment I turn my head. And so many of them wield weapons of thorns or needles or other instruments of torture.

I wholeheartedly support you in your efforts to replace part of your weed garden (I mean flower beds) with a pond or fountain. Weeds must never be encouraged by too much open dirt.

Gotta go. I stopped to comment on your blog, and now I've got more weeds to pull.

SkyePuppy said...


Blogger is making me think I'm losing my mind. I left my comment yesterday, but your main blog page says there aren't any comments. I started to think maybe I didn't hit the right buttons at the right time, and my comment was lost forever (I am technologically challenged, so it wouldn't have been out of the ordinary).

But there it is, so now I feel better. As you say, let the fun begin!

Christina said...

I wholeheartedly agree that weeds are part of the problem. But I cannot blame my hatred of gardening just on the weeds. The creepy crawly worms, bugs and spiders must also be factored in. Considering that one of only two recurring dreams I have involves spiders, you can imagine my incredible dislike for that aspect of gardening as well...and then there's the dirt...

And yes, there are already a plethora of weeds growing where I just weeded on Sat. Utterly discouraging, I tell you!

SkyePuppy said...


It is a sad state of affairs when you can't bring yourself to put your hands into good, rich soil.

Personally, I like earthworms. They're what helps keep soil from becoming nothing but hard-packed, spent dirt. And (I say this as a genuine arachnophobe), I don't really remember seeing spiders much when I pull weeds. Just creepy bugs, which is why I wear gloves--partly to keep my fingers from turning green from the weeds, and the rest to keep the bugs from actually crawling on me.

But I understand the feeling of not being able to bring yourself to do something. How soon can the fountain go in?