The Right Perspective

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One Month Old (a Day Late!)

You are one month old today. (8-17-09)
Hopefully we will take pictures just like this in your crib each month and watch you as you grow.
You weren't too sure about this photo session and were a bit less than thrilled, so this is the best picture we got.
You seem to enjoy bath time and hardly fuss at all. We keep a nice warm wet washcloth on you and spray you with the shower to keep you comfy. You are pretty laid-back.

After bathtime, we wrap you up in your puppy towel and make you all warm and cozy and cuddly.

I'm pretty sure you like being cuddled in your towel! You even have a bit of a smile in this picture.

Did I mention that you're easy-going? Here you are asleep on mommy's lap, in your "thinker" pose. You like to sleep...and that makes us all very happy.

This month, you have:
* Grown from 7 lbs. 14 oz. to just about 10 lbs.
* Started to sleep up to 5 hours at a time at night (not often, but once in a while)
* Started smiling at us (not just in your dreams)
* Sometimes you actually laugh out loud when you sleep
* Nearly outgrown the newborn size diapers
* Worn almost all of what we thought was an extensive wardrobe, multiple times, due to extensive spit-up from reflux (yikes!)
* Caused daddy and mommy to change their clothes multiple times, due to the same spit-up issues. Mommy is very greatful for the new, huge-capacity washer and dryer
* Found your hands and you love to suck on them. I think you really prefer them to the pacifier
* Love to swing, but still aren't sold on riding in the car. Sorry buddy, but you're going to have to get used to that one!
* Officially made us a family of four
My favorite thing about this month? Definitely the on-purpose smiles. They make all the late nights and crying worth it. Very worth it.


Bekah said...

That last picture is my favorite. What a cutie!!

Dina said...

how cute!!!!!!

SkyePuppy said...

I love the pictures! And this is my favorite quote:

Mommy is very greatful for the new, huge-capacity washer and dryer

janice said...

I love the "thinker" pose. How cute he is....

Malott said...


Great looking kid!