The Right Perspective

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Moose Gas Bad for Environment

Fox News is reporting that, according to Norwegian researchers, moose (ahem) "emissions" of methane are very harmful to the environment. Their belches and and, umm...toots, create methane in amounts equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide emitted on a car trip of more than 8,000 miles. Factor in that there are more than 100,000 moose in Norway alone and that cows are also equally suspect, and we've got a pretty serious problem (if you're a Norwegian researcher who believes in this "Global Warming Crisis").

Now of course, we all know that America is the worst offender of causing global warming. I mean, we must be since we're the "great satan" and so technologically advanced and capitalists and rich and powerful. That obviously equates with "great satan" and "global polluter", right?

But I have to ask, if this article is correct and the moose and cows are so dangerous, why is America still the worst polluter? Wouldn't it stand to reason that India would be a pretty big contributer? After all, the cows roam free in the streets, worshipped as gods, while the people starve, but no one's blaming them for global destruction. Norway obviously has a disproportionately large number of Moose, probably second only to Canada, yet no one's blaming them either.

Huh...that doesn't seem fair.



SkyePuppy said...

I'm sure the moose and cattle are contributing to global warming in Norway (GWN), which of course isn't global, but researchers don't let that bother them.

The US is the worst offender, because we eat so much meat, which means our demand for beef cattle is the highest, which means we are the reason there are so many cows out there releasing methane into the atmosphere. Besides, it's really President Bush's fault, because he's from Texas, where they have cows. Simple.


Christina said...


Oh yeah, how could I forget to blame President Bush?

Silly me!

I knew I was forgetting something...