As you can probably tell from previous posts, Emily has been enjoying the snow this winter, so I thought I'd post a few pictures of Emily "gearing up" for the snow. be a kid again!
Emily's fancy snow boots...They light up, so she delights in walking around the house in them....with or without snow!
Emily wearing Momma's snow boots. They're not nearly as neat (no they don't light up) but they're still fun to try on.
Emily, a tall, skinny normal-sized toddler, before all the snow gear.
"Super Emily" - Twice her normal size, but warm and toasty!
I can't believe how grown up she looks with her hair down! It's like a whole different girl!! What a cutie!!!!
Too bad she is a World of Warcraft orphan. If she was my child there would be dust on my keyboard.
(Throwing guilt is my specialty)
Yes, Miss Em does look quite different without the ponytails. I wish barrettes would stay in her hair better so that we had a few more styling options with it "down". Oh well, how often in life can a girl get away with wearing lopsided ponytails and still be cute?
Sadly, Em thinks it's fun to play with dad. She holds her own controller (from some other game) and "helps" daddy "pay" (play).
But I would have to do seem to have a guilt-throwing flair!
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