The Right Perspective

Monday, September 21, 2009

Doctor Time

Well, with Ethan reaching the two-month milestone, came the two-month doctor's visit and the rotten shots.

The good news...he's healthy, developing perfectly (much faster than big sister, which I find interesting) and growing beautifully.

Ethan is now 11 lbs. 9 oz. (50th%) and is 23 1/4 " (50th%) He has gained 3 lbs and 11 oz. since birth and 3 1/4 in. It's interesting to compare his growth to Emily's because if I recall, at her two month appt. she was at least 12 lbs. and off the charts in terms of height.

We discussed Mr. E's continuing battle with reflux and are upping the dose of his medicine (we're on a second one of those, from Zantac to Axid) to see if it helps. If his all day fussiness and fussiness while eating doesn't get better, then we'll try a different type of medicine (Prevacid) to see if there is any difference.

The bad news today is that Ethan had some adhesions in a place where a little boy wouldn't want those (oops, momma didn't know to be on the lookout for those) and so the doctor fixed that, but Mr. E did NOT enjoy the process....OUCH! Poor little guy did not know what he was in for this morning. That, of course, made him cry and then 3 shots plus an oral medicine for Rotovirus (this was a new one for me, Em never had it) made Ethan one very mad little guy. I can't say that I blame him though.

All in all, we survived and now we just have to get through Emily's 5 year check-up on Friday. I'm dreading that one much more. After just one day of school, Emily came home with a sore throat, and ended up with a fever from Thursday afternoon through Saturday. When her fever spiked to 102+, we took her to the doctor. It wasn't her regular doctor, as the appt. was after hours, but they tested her for strep and the flu. Both were negative, but oh, the drama of those two tests was something to behold! We stayed home from church yesterday, just to try to get some extra rest and recover, yet when we woke up this morning, Andrew and I both had sore throats and my head feels achy (is that spelled right?). Emily is due to get at least 3 booster shots and either the flu shot or mist, whichever one we can get her to take (and by this I mean, whichever one requires less physically holding her down, which at her size, is a big job for me.)

You might start praying now...because a still sort of sick, highly dramatic 5 year old who is more the size of a 6-7 year old plus a probably fully sick momma with a 2 month old who may or may not be in the mood to cooperate should be fun.

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