The Right Perspective

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Day in the Life....

It's 4:15 pm. So far I've:

~taken a shower
~fed Ethan and made breakfast for Emily
~tried to dry my hair while Ethan screamed, only to have my hairdryer quit half-way through
~attempted to finish drying my hair in front of the fan, while Ethan continues screaming
~finished getting myself ready (this includes actually remembering to put on all my make-up this time)
~gotten Emily dressed
~gotten Ethan changed and dressed
~gotten both kids into their respective car seats and in the van
~taken Emily to pre-K
~chatted with my mother-in-law, who has been dealing with health issues
~gone to Meijer to replace my hairdryer and make a few pictures
~screwed up several pictures due to a too-complex computer program, but since Ethan was screaming (again) and I was running out of time, will have to fix later
~checked myself out at Meijer because I didn't have time to walk to the other end of the store where two of the 24 lanes were open
~picked up Emily from pre-K (which of course involves carrying Ethan in his car seat down a long sidewalk and waiting for her class to be the last one to let out, then walking back up the very long sidewalk to the van
~ran through the Wendy's drive-through for lunch for Emily and me

It's now 12:00pm, by the way.

~got home, unloaded both kids from the van
~ate lunch while feeding Ethan
~changed shirt after Ethan spit up his lunch on me
~turned on the computer and checked a few websites while Ethan played for about ten minutes on his play mat
~picked up Ethan from playmat when he started crying
~changed his poopy diaper
~sat down on the couch
~changed shirt #2 after Ethan spit up on me...left on shorts because they weren't too wet..yet
~tried to feed Ethan again because he was still fussy
~changed into shirt #3 and a new pair of pants because Ethan PROJECTILE vomited several meal's worth onto me (shirt #3 may or may not have a little (dried) pee on it from last night when he showered me during a diaper change, but I didn't have another available clean shirt )
~packed both kids up in the van to quickly go grocery shopping
~said "Come on Emily" at least 30 times while in Walmart
~got back home, unloaded kids and groceries from van, put cold stuff in fridge, left the rest for later
~fed Ethan
~played with Ethan
~got Ethan to sleep and put him in the swing
~read a book to Emily and helped her dress her dolls
~folded Ethan's clean laundry and put it away upstairs; collected adult dirty laundry
~went downstairs and into basement to start new laundry (thank you to Maytag and their Bravos high capacity washer!!)
~went back upstairs to put away clean kids' laundry that I took out of the dryer
~sat down to write this post

How can it only be 4:15?


Dina said...

Ha!! I can really hear Ethan scream....well through Leah that is.....:) I am actually dreading this coming Monday where I have to be out of the house by 8am with all three kids, the big ones ready for school and the little one settled (fingers crossed) and ready to sleep for a couple of hours until at least i take the kids inside school and maybe go to the grocery store. She is still not settled with her feeds and sleeps ..... she either fusses alot and is constantly drinking or using my nipple as her soother in order to fall asleep. How can you make a new born take a soother instead of a nipple?
At least I do not have to change a shirt 3 times in a day, that would increase so much laundry :(

Christina said...


I have no answer for your question about how to get a newborn (or a two-month-old, for that matter) to take a pacifier. Emily loved hers, Ethan wants nothing to do with it. I wish he would.

I was dreading when school started because I wasn't sure how in the world I was ever going to make it on time, but so far, so good. Hopefully little Leah will settle into a routine soon and you will all be just fine.

SkyePuppy said...

They have those little disposable cone thingies you can put over little boys when you change their diapers. It helps cut down on the surprise showers at changing time. Or so they tell me.

When son was a baby (pre-cone days), I just made sure the new diaper was ready to go under him and did the switcheroo from old to new in as close to lightning-speed as I could get. It usually worked.

Malott said...


Your life is a little more complicated and taxing than mine.

Christina said...


Yes, I've seen those little things. I believe they are called "Pee-pee Tee-pees". (I wonder if that's politically correct?)

We've gotten pretty good at doing very fast diaper changes, but I've had to apply some ointment to his...well...and that takes just enough extra time that I occasionally take a shower.

Oh the joy of boys. He seems perfectly delighted when it happens, however.

Christina said...


Yes, life is quite a bit more complicated these days....but they're good complications.

I would trade them for the world. (For a day or two off once in a while, maybe!)

Christina said...

Um, that last comment should be, "I wouldn't trade them for the world."
