The Right Perspective

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Little Luck

A while back, I happened to catch a little news story about a health/fitness "camp" that was put on by Riley Hospital in coordination with Andrew Luck.  It was free, but there were a limited number of spaces.  I decided that Ethan needed to be a part of that, but I assumed we wouldn't happen to make it in.  

Well, he did and it happened yesterday.

We registered at a local football field at 1:00 on a blazing hot 90+ degree day.  Here's Ethan with "cardboard Andrew" before things got started.

 The kids were split into about eight groups and they rotated around different stations, learning some fun exercises.

Below is Ethan, the cool dude in his shades, waiting for the main event .

Still waiting....and wondering what the big fuss was about....

 And then the Man appeared....Andrew Luck, quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts, on the same field as Ethan!

 Andrew (the husband, not the QB) and I sat in the first row of the stands and Andrew (the QB, not the husband) stood right in front of us, waving shyly at the crowd of (probably more excited than the kids, parents).

Andrew gave a little five minute speech and took some questions from the crowd (of kids) including what was his favorite sport and whether he was mad about Deflate-gate!!

 Then it was off to the stations!

Ethan did pretty well with running around the cones!

 And then he got to get up close and personal with the Luck-man himself!  (He's on the far right side below.)

 Now I fully realize that you cannot see Ethan in the picture below at all, but you're going to have to trust me....He had the opportunity to catch a pass thrown by Andrew Luck.  If you look toward the bottom middle, you can see the ball, mid-flight and two little arms reaching out to try to catch it....emphasis on try!  But still, he played catch with an NFL quarterback!

And finally, here is a picture I found on the official "Change the Play" Facebook page....I guess they liked his jump-rope style!

As a side-note, Ethan also made the local news, showing him doing push-ups in a small group with Luck, but the video would not load for me, so I'll try again another time.  

Thanks to Andrew Luck and Riley Children's Hospital for providing this fun opportunity of a lifetime!


Bekah said...

How. Cool. Is. THAT?!?!?!?!?!?! Ryan will be so jealous!

{By the way - giggling at the husband/QB references. Ahhhhh the same-name probs.}

Christina said...

There were a lot of jealous dads in the stands that day! The parents weren't allowed on the field at all, so we just had to watch from afar. Still, it was pretty cool. He seemed like a good guy and was pretty funny.