The Right Perspective

Friday, October 31, 2008

Well Isn't This Rich?

Apparently all the "Hope" Obama is spreading around thick enough to need wading boots might just be a tad bit too optimistic.

According to Tim Reid, of the Times of London (as found on Fox News), Mr. Obama's plans for America sound too good to be true...even to Obama. As a result, senior advisors to Mr. Obama are drawing up plans to scale back expectations for the (already-won) Obama presidency so that all of his frenzied supporters who were counting on "change they can believe in" won't be too disappointed when it doesn't happen right away (or at all).

Says Mr. Obama, " 'The first hundred days is going to be important, but it's probably going to be the first thousand days that makes the difference,' he said. He has also been reminding crowds in recent days how 'hard' it will be to achieve his goals, and that it will take time."

So to all those Obama supporters out there, don't get your "hope"s up for too much "change" any time soon. You can keep "believing in" it, but you won't being seeing it in the near future. Even Obama is saying it will take at least 3 years to see any results...and that's only if his plans work. Guess you'd better "hope" his "change" is worth believing in!


SkyePuppy said...

Three years, hmmm? That's about when he'd have to start campaigning for his second term. His campaign speeches will say, "It's just starting to come together. You need to vote for me, or all the work will have been for nothing."

More platitudes. More empty promises. More high taxes.

Christina said...

Very good point about the campaign, Skyepuppy. I hadn't thought of that.

The sad thing is that if Obama wins, and it does take three (or more) years to accomplish anything of an economic nature, people would still vote for him. They just want to believe that someone else will do the hard work for them to make their lives better.

Malott said...

And the mainstream media will be right there supporting his re-election efforts... No matter how much our country has declined.