According to the local news, we've had 23.6 inches of snow since MIDNIGHT! That sets a record for the highest one-day snowfall total ever, and that's only doesn't count anything that's fallen or will fall (more is predicted) since 1 pm.
I've been feeling very sick, complete lack of appetite (not even wanting to drink, which is very out of the norm for me) and nauseated off and on through the day all week. I've eaten precious little this week and Ethan hasn't been himself either. Last night, I felt REALLY sick and around 3 am...well, let's just say it wasn't pretty.
I stayed in bed and let Andrew handle the kids and tried to rest and drink a little ginger ale, and even eventually got brave enough to try some dry cereal. I was beginning to think I was feeling better, when Andrew came to the door and informed me that Ethan had just vomited twice while eating his lunch. Oh joy! Poor little guy has never had a tummy bug before and I suspect that he's been feeling a lot like I have, which is to say...completely lousy.
I hope this is the worst of it, but this has been a very unusual virus, with no fever and rather long-lasting, so we'll see. Ethan is currently sleeping and I hope that when he wakes up, he'll feel much, much better. As for me, I hope the worst is over too....and that no one else catches this bug, but I fully recognize that that would be nothing short of a miracle.
I guess it's just as well that we aren't allowed to go anywhere due to the weather...we're in no shape for that!
I started to think, "Lake effect? What lake is in Indiana?" but then I remembered you're way up there. By the lakes. Oh yeah...
I wish you ALL a speedy recovery.
Yep, Lake Michigan has a pretty major presence here.
Thanks for the well wishes. I hope the worst is over (at least health-wise).
Oh my WORD! Your snow!! I was supposed to go to Goshen this weekend and couldn't go (for other reasons) but maybe I'm glad I wasn't in Lake Effect region. Get well soon sweetie!!!
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