It's hard to believe, but Emily is officially a Kindergarten graduate! The year flew by, had it's ups and downs and ended well with a very bright and happy soon-to-be-first-grader.
Emily learned to read (very well) and can count to 100 in a variety of ways (and she'll be happy to demonstrate to anyone who will listen!). She weathered her first broken bone (she broke her big toe when she fell from the monkey bars early in the school year), learned to navigate sitting at a desk and following directions, made friends, and had lunch in the cafeteria, even learning to order hot lunch. It's been a big year.
This is Emily walking in to her graduation. She looks so big to me.
Middle Left: Mrs. Frazier, Abigail, Sam R., Naomi, Nathan
Bottom Left: Niall, Lily, Olivia
Our very lovely little graduate. I had a strange experience that night, because seeing her all dressed in her white cap and gown sort of gave me a glimpse into the past and the future all at once. She looks so very like me as a child, something I'm seeing more and more, and I could see a pretty good resemblance to how I looked on my high school graduation day...which sort of gives me an idea of how she will likely look about 12 years from now. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be ready for that.