The Right Perspective

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween


Bekah said...

HOW DID THEY GET SO BIG??? You have amazingly cute kids. Have I ever mentioned that? Miss your stories!!!

Christina said...

I know...I have no idea when they got so big...and old! I have a seven year old. I don't want to think about how old that must make me!

Thanks for thinking they're cute. I think so too, but then again I'm 100% biased!

I'd write more stories with my pictures, but daggone Blogger is giving me fits just loading the pictures. By the time I get them done, I'm done!

SkyePuppy said...


About your Blogger picture issues, Blogger and I have come to an understanding. I go to the HTML tab to upload my photos, and then I cut and paste them where I want them while I'm still in the HTML tab.

For links, though, I have to do that in the Compose tab. So I do all my photo-ing and rearranging (and usually composing) in the HTML tab and then fill in the links in the Compose tab and hit Publish. It's been working pretty well to keep the frustration at a minimum.

I hope this helps you...

SkyePuppy said...


I added an update for you to my Games Men Play post, in the comments.

Unknown said...

It's very beautiful blog, I'm happy to visit your blog,
seasonal depression disorder