The Right Perspective

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our 4-Year Old

September 15th marked Emily's 4th birthday. It was a very rainy foul day outside, but Pa and Grandma and the three of us had a nice time celebrating on the Saturday before her B-day. Below is the birthday girl with her presents and balloons.
Here is Em with here Winnie the Pooh cake.

Em, displaying some of her new books. This kid is a reader....and we love the Charlie and Lola books!

Below are pictures from her actual birthday. Emily requested that we go to Hacienda for dinner, so we told the waitress that we wanted them to suprise her and sing to her. We knew they would make a big deal of her birthday and sing and clap and there would be a sombrero. They also brought balloons and ice cream. When they first started singing to her, she wasn't too sure about it, as you can see in this picture.

Em and Daddy...who looks oh-so-stylish in the sombrero!

In other, less interesting to most of you, news: Emily is 41.4 lbs. and a whopping 43.5 inches tall. She is still not registering on the growth charts for her in, she is still taller than the average 5 year old.

More to come soon...check back!


Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

Oh, honey - she's beautiful! She's grown up so much this summer! Very little of the "baby face" and much more of the "big kid" face. LOL She picked Hacienda? That's hysterical! My two would still probably pick fast food if allowed to pick! LOL

Bekah said...

Yay for posting! i was gettin worried!! Wow she is so grown up. I can't believe it! And I have no idea why andrew doesn't wear a sombrero on a more regular basis. Tell him I think he should consider it.