The Right Perspective

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Infuriating Illegal Alien "Study"

WNDU, out of South Bend, IN., reports that "Study shows that illegal immigrants add to South Bend economy".

Oh really? How so? "Tell me more" you might say. Well here goes....

" 'If the undocumented population of South Bend was deported, the community would have much to lose.'

That's the conclusion of a study titled, "Coming to America: The Economic Impact of Undocumented Workers in South Bend."

It was conducted by the Notre Dame economics department and included 60 individuals, 40 of them undocumented, all members of St. Adalbert's Parish in South Bend's largest Hispanic neighborhood. Rev. Christopher Cox from the Church was part of the research team." (emphasis added)

The "study" mentioned that the illegals, on average, added a net figure of $3000 to the local and national economy. Then they go on to say that this figure is being spent only in the local economy. This is the second flaw of the "study". The first, of course, being that these people are referred to as "illegal immigrants" or "undocumented workers". Let's call them what we should...illegal aliens or criminals. Why sugar-coat it? This would only be accurate.

Then, of course, there is the usual liberal drivel about how there are all these jobs that Americans won't do. Hmmm....would these be jobs in the fast food industry or perhaps at Walmart or hotel housekeeping? I can assure you that if I had no education and needed a job to support my family, but was white, I wouldn't hesitate to take these jobs. So once again, the study is based on a false premise.

Next, the news story provides these two infuriating little tidbits of falsitude (is that a word?)

" 'The federal government has failed to provide a pathway to individuals who have been allowed to cross the borders to be legal so that they can fully contribute and give their tax dollars back to the nation,' McDowell says."

"The study continues to say, "The reality is that undocumented immigrants receive little government aid (often times out of fear of getting caught), are loyal taxpayers, and stimulate job growth in the community.' "

Again I say, Oh really? Seriously, the government hasn't provided a "pathway" for immigrants to legally cross the border and contribute and pay taxes? Am I really supposed to believe that? Then why is that so many generations of legal immigrants have made very prosperous lives for themselves while abiding BY THE LAW?

The second quote from the article is equally unbelieveable. The idea that illegal aliens don't receive aid from the federal AND local government is laughable at best. Maybe they don't receive a welfare check every month or week or however they come, but they do receive plenty of free or reduced-cost services such as health in the overwhelmed emergency rooms, free school lunches and school services and a host of other aid. Then there is the whole idea that these illegal aliens pay taxes. Okay, yes they pay sales tax like the rest of us, but how can they possibly pay federal taxes unless they have stolen someone's identity and social security number which counts as a second criminal offense.

And last, but certainly not least, why is St. Adalbert's Parish and Notre Dame University not reporting these illegal aliens? For this reason and the completely flawed and biased study, both should be ashamed of themselves.

As of Thursday morning, this article seems to have disappeared from WNDU's homepage. It can still be accessed through the link, however. As you might imagine, reaction was pretty "heated". Interesting, though. Most headlines stay on the homepage for MUCH longer than that.


SkyePuppy said...

Oh, that really frosts my chaps!

A couple things. First, the Rev. Cox helped with the research, which studied 40 illegals who attend his church. Wouldn't that make him... ahem... biased? And wouldn't his bias affect the study just a little?

Second, some of the comments suggested that Christians should be nice to the illegal aliens. But these 40 illegals are themselves Christians (they're members of a church). Shouldn't they have been good Christians and obeyed our laws in the first place? Where are the calls for them to do their Christian duty and go back home and apply to come here legally? And why isn't Rev. Cox advising his parishoners to repent of their sin and go home? What kind of clergyman is he anyway?

The Congresswoman is to be commended for not caving in to the pro-illegals lobby. Even though they buried her comments at the very bottom of the article, at least the newspaper included it. I'm not sure the LA Times or NY Times would have bothered.

Great post.

(So I continue my job hunt, being stymied in some places because I don't speak Spanish beyond being able to order another beer and ask for the restrooms.)

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

Not a good time or locale to do an article like that. The Herald-Palladium just put out an article today that foreclosures here in Berrien are up SEVENTY-FIVE percent. And, Berrien has one of the highest unemployment rates in MI.

Complaining about how the gov't and the economy is unfair to illegal immigrants spits in the face of all the families that ARE citizens and can't find work and/or can't keep their home.

On a completely different note, I tagged ya today for something if you're interested.

janice said...

These criminals do benefit from local and federal "government aid" every time they drive on our roads, flush the toilet, enroll their children in public schools and need the police or fire services.

Who payes the bill for the infrastructure?

Legal and law abiding citizens!

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

One other thing...we four are gonna be down your way Saturday for the homeschooling conference at Bethel. The conference breaks for lunch from 11:45am-1:45pm. Thought you may want to catch lunch?

Malott said...

The article suggested the money was being spent in South Bend.

But how much of this money is actually being sent to, and spent in, Mexico and other foreign lands?

And it takes very few "free" trips to the emergency room to eat up any income added to the community... And that's just one service.

This is a purely "agenda driven" article.

Christina said...


Ugh...I have bad timing. While I seriously do still want to meet and this weekend is supposed to be nice too, Emily and I are both sick.

Emily has had a cold for a couple days now, I was up all night last night, puking for some unknown reason, and now I think I'm catching her cold. Fun stuff, huh? I feel fairly certain that you and your family don't want to share this kind of "fun".

Maybe soon...thanks for the offer. Oh and I have a chiropractor's appt. then too that I'm debating on keeping.